Extra funding will enable Australian soldiers to continue to train Ukrainians in the UK to help them fight against Russia's invasion.

Australian troops will keep training Ukrainian soldiers as part of more than $186 million that has been set aside to deliver support for the besieged nation over two years.
Almost $26 million of this will cover the extension and expansion of Operation Kudu by a year, under which the Australian Defence Force is helping to train Ukrainian soldiers in the UK.
This includes the six-month deployment of a RAAF Wedgetail aircraft to Europe as part of the multinational effort to protect humanitarian and military assistance reaching Ukraine.
Ukrainian ambassador to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko welcomed the extension, revealed in the federal government's budget update on Wednesday.
"It's a meaningful contribution to improving the capabilities of Ukraine to fight the Russian invasion," he said.
"All the reports I'm seeing from Salisbury where the training is being provided is it's really very helpful."
The $186 million also includes $132 million for additional military vehicles and ammunition announced since the last federal budget.
Australia has committed $20 million for de-mining equipment, 3D metal printers and counter-drone systems as well as $10 million for Ukraine's humanitarian fund which aids shelter, health services, clean water and sanitation.