No trace has been found of man who was likely attacked and killed by a 4.2 metre great white shark while surfing off South Australia's Eyre Peninsula.

A 4.2 metre great white shark was spotted in the water just after a man disappeared at a popular South Australian surfing spot.
Emergency services are continuing to search for any trace of the 55-year-old man who was surfing at Granites Beach, south of Streaky Bay on the Eyre Peninsula, when he was attacked on Tuesday morning.
It is the state's second fatal attack in six months.
The man's surfboard is all that remained of the attack, witnesses said.
Local surfer Jeff Schmucker was just about to get into the water when he heard the commotion.
"All the kids were on the rocks waving at me and yelling and I knew there was something wrong well before we even got there," he told ABC radio on Wednesday.
Mr Schmucker, who has worked as a commercial fisherman in the area for decades, jumped on his jetski and rode to the spot where the man had been surfing.
After a moment, a 4.2 metre - great white appeared, he said, which he followed for a while as it circled.
"I've seen many great whites in my fishing career," Mr Schmucker said.
"It just rammed home events over the last 20 or 30 years."
The incident follows a fatal attack on another surfer at Walkers Rock Beach in May, just 100km down the coast.
The body of 46-year-old teacher Simon Baccanello has never been recovered.
Earlier this month, 64-year-old Pamela Cook suffered serious leg injuries when she was bitten by a shark at Beachport on the state's southeast coast.
"There's too many sharks to actually think that surfing is anywhere near safe on the West Coast," Mr Schmucker said.