A parliamentary committee has recommended laws banning live sheep exports from 2028, despite opposition concerns.

A ban on live sheep exports within four years should become law, a parliamentary committee has recommended.
A report examining the government proposal to end the live export practice by 2028 called for federal parliament to pass legislation, despite concern from farmers and the opposition.
The committee also urged for the federal government to work closely alongside the West Australian government to develop a transition support package for those in the industry who will be affected by the ban.
A package of $107 million to help the transition had already been announced by the government.
The committee's chair, Labor MP Meryl Swanson, said while there had been opposition to the ban, a prohibition on live exports was overdue.
"The time has come to transition away from this trade. Like all transitions, it will not be without pain, but the outcome will provide industry with long-term certainty in line with community expectations," she said.
The federal opposition has vowed to overturn the ban should it win the next election.
In a dissenting report, coalition MPs said the industry had extensive animal welfare practices in place.
"Any transition package proposed in this bill will be rejected by WA farmers and industry supply chain participants who believe the live sheep export industry is not only viable, but a growing industry," the report said.
"The live sheep export trade by sea is a rebounding and growing trade that government chooses to deny at the peril of Australia's reputation as a valued and reliable trading partner."