Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall has announced fishers’ festivities will kick off on December 1st with the opening of the Murray Cod fishing season.

Mr Marshall said the opening comes following the annual three-month breeding
closure as well as a record number of recent Murray Cod stockings, which bolstered
populations in NSW lakes and rivers after years of drought.
“The Murray Cod is Australia’s largest freshwater fish and an icon of our inland waterways, so many anglers are excited for a summer of fishing,” Mr Marshall said.
“Now the Murray Cod have completed their breeding, experts predict a big season.
“Recent inflows following quality rain across most of NSW means inland impoundments and river systems will provide great cod fishing this summer when many anglers are expected to wet a line".
Last year, more than half a million Murray Cod were stocked in more than 80 locations
across the State from the NSW Government’s hatchery at Narrandera.

As the Murray Cod season opens, Mr Marshall reminded anglers to adhere to the legal
bag and size limits along with other fishing rules that apply.
“NSW Government Fisheries Officers patrolling waters said anglers had respected the closure period, which is pleasing to hear,” Mr Marshall said.
“Now that the season is opening again, we’re asking all fishers to continue doing the right thing to ensure we protect, conserve and improve our fisheries resources.”
Fishing rules, including a daily bag limit of two Murray Cod per person, are available
on the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) website.
The NSW Recreational Fishing Freshwater Fishing Guide is available from the NSW
DPI website and offices, and most places where recreational fishing licenses are sold.