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Wear Orange Wednesday acknowledged on Flow FM

Wednesday, May 22nd was a date pencilled into so many diaries this year.

Tim Wiebusch (right) Image Credit: Tim Wiebusch official X account

It's a day when volunteer emergency workers are recognised across the country by thousands of everyday Aussies.

SES workers are especially relied upon by regional communities in Victoria and the day was celebrated on Flow's Country Viewpoint program.

The Victorian SES Chief Officer Operations, Tim Wiebusch, appeared on the program to remind listeners of the significance of the day by highlighting some of the

arduous tasks undertaken by voluntary emergency workers.

"Responding to storms and floods or on a day-to-day basis, turning out to road crash rescues, supporting the police with missing persons or right through to some of the specialist capabilities for example, with deploying incident air monitoring kits for air quality during bushfires and those sort of hazardous chemical events, they're (emergency workers) leaving those situations to come and help their community in their time of need." Wiebusch said.

"Quite often we talk about our volunteers running towards the emergency when others are running away from it, so whether it's during the floods or the storms or those supporting fire with bushfires and things like that, our volunteers do so much.

"It's not just in responding to the emergencies, they're training on a regular basis no different to a football or a netball team, they're on regular training schedules to keep those specialist skills up and also then from time to time, out fundraising in their communities to keep up some of the equipment that the volunteers keep for us as well."

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