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  • Rikki Lambert

Opposition hits back at SA Labor criticisms on flood advocacy

Liberal MPs Nicola Centofanti, David Speirs, Tim Whetstone and Adrian Pederick on the River Murray

The shadow spokesperson for the River Murray and water told Flow listeners their concern about a perceived lack of state government flood awareness was the driver for their four-point plan, not political point-scoring.

The South Australian Labor Twitter account claimed on Tuesday that Mr Speirs' efforts had been 'political attacks and spreading misinformation':

Riverland resident and leader of the Liberal opposition in the Legislative Council, Nicola Centofanti, defended David Speirs who recently visited the Riverland just prior to the Premier's second snap visit on Tuesday:

"Instead of waiting for the government to announce a package we might not think is appropriate, we tried to be proactive and constructive and put what we think would be appropriate on the table after listening to people in the Riverland."
"I'm certainly not playing politics, I'm listening to my community, to my friends, to the businesses that have been and will be affected, who are asking us, what's going on? and what's being done to protect them, their families, businesses and their communities?
"I completely reject the Labor party's assertions and if Labor think that's being political then I suggest that they are out of touch."

Hear the full interview on the Flow podcast player below:


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