By Karl Carrington.
Wimmera and North Central farmers and advisers have a unique opportunity to unravel what is ‘excellent farming’ in Wedderburn on Monday 19 July and in Wallup on Wednesday 21 July.
Highly regarded agriculture scientist and author, Dr Kate Burke, will be attending as part of a program led by Agriculture Victoria. The workshops will cover crops, people and money, and the influences that inform both business and personal decisions.
With 30 years experience in agriculture working with farmers, students, investors and regional communities in northwest Victoria, Dr Burke will provide valuable insights in managing risk on cropping farms and mixed farms.
Dr Burke uses evidence, experience and humour to shine a light on what matters for sustainable, profitable farming. She is also the author of the new book ‘Crops people money and you, the art of excellent farming and better returns'.
Dr Burke said:
“The Wimmera and North Central’s start to the season has been eventful.
“We are seeing record land prices on the back of good seasons.
“This year we are also dealing with price volatility, staggered crop emergence and challenging nitrogen decisions.
“Some farmers are pessimistic about the season while others are optimistic.”
There will be an array of topics covered at the workshops, including:
Better returns – what really drives profit?
What drives potential and revenue at the whole farm level?
The influence of climate ‘moods’ on your farm performance.
Yield targets for guiding nitrogen management and grain marketing decisions; thinking in options, rather than averages.
Money: taking the whole of farm long-term view to generate revenue and spend wisely.
People: decision-making for robust and regret-free farming.
You: the role you play in risk management.
Farmers are asked to bring farm maps, grain yield and gross margin records for crop types, with the more information the better.
These workshops are FREE and funded by the Victorian Government’s Smarter, Safer Farms initiative through its skills program. This program aims to provide targeted training to build capability in financial literacy, risk management, farm planning and adaption to climate change.