Later this month the Central Darling Shire Council Administrator, Bob Stewart, and staff from the Office of Local Government will be attending drop-in sessions for people to come and talk about the future of the Council.

In July the NSW Government announced plans to bring Central Darling Shire Council out of Administration. The government plans to introduce a new council model. Central Darling Shire will become a ‘Rural and Remote Council’ made up of three locally elected councillors from the community and three councillors appointed by the NSW Government with relevant expertise to support the stable and effective operation of the Council.
Mr Stewart invited staff from the Office of Local Government to come out and talk to residents about the plans and answer questions, after he received feedback from the community about the short notice of the Minister’s visit to make the announcement.
Community drop-in sessions will be held at the following times:
• Monday 26 August - 2pm - 4pm: Menindee Rural Transaction Centre
• Tuesday 27 August - 2pm - 4pm: Wilcannia Council Chambers
• Wednesday 28 August - 1pm - 3pm: White Cliffs - National Parks board room
• Thursday 29 August 11am - 1pm: Ivanhoe Multi Service Outlet
Mr Stewart said the community drop-in sessions were an opportunity for people to ask questions about the proposed legislation to create the new Rural and Remote Council.