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Jason Regan

SA Government promises fuel price crackdown

A blitz on rural fuel retailers will ensure petrol stations in South Australia’s most loved holiday spots are complying with the state’s real-time petrol price monitoring trial in the lead up to Christmas.

Minister Josh Teague said Compliance and Enforcement Officers from Consumer and Business Services (CBS) would be undertaking spot checks, with a focus on regional areas.

“This blitz comes as South Australian consumers face high prices at the pump, just as families get set to pack up the car and head away for Christmas holidays,” he said.
“Officers will be conducting unannounced inspections at petrol stations across the state, including popular holiday locations like the Eyre and Yorke Peninsulas, Limestone Coast and the South East.”

Minister Teague said motorists should consult a real-time fuel price app to make sure they’re getting the best deal.

There is a range of apps available to help motorists choose the cheapest option such as Fuel Price Australia, PetrolSpy, MotorMouth, Pumped, SA Bowser: Should I Fuel? or the RAA App.

Consumer and Business Services Commissioner Dini Soulio said inspectors had conducted more than 500 checks on service stations in both regional and metropolitan areas since the start of the scheme in March.

“Petrol stations have had plenty of time to get used to the new reporting system,” Commissioner Soulio said.
“With Christmas just around the corner, we are now cracking down on those who aren’t complying".

CBS has issued three expiation notices, and more than 80 complaints have resulted in CBS issuing warnings to retailers following the detection of a suspected breach. Of these warnings, 25 complaints related to retailers in rural areas.

Commissioner Soulio said the public had played an important role in keeping fuel retailers accountable.

“CBS has received more than 440 complaints since the scheme kicked off - and 108 of those relate to rural retailers,” he said.
“We’re very thankful to South Australians across the state for continuing to raise issues of non-compliance with us”.

The SA Fuel Pricing Information Scheme requires retailers to update their price information to a central aggregator within half an hour of posting it. Those who fail to comply could face penalties up to $10,000.

For more information on real-time petrol price monitoring in South Australia, visit


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