A local MP in flood-affected New South Wales communities says we now may need to flood-proof electorates like hers not long after farmers were struggling with drought.
Independent MP for Murray Helen Dalton told Flow on Monday:
"The roads are breaking up - it will be a slow harvest, they'll be asking people to slow down because the roads are just atrocious.
"We've got to work out how to harvest our crops from a pick up bin into a truck and out of our farms. There's a lot of logistic problems and there's also a lack of seasonal labour - so there's a lot of stress about for farmers who have to take it in their stride and take each day as they come."
Hear the full interview on the Flow podcast player below:
Asked whether we now needed to flood-proof roads in the electorate, Mrs Dalton said:
"We do need some visionary planning where we do get these extremes - we need to make our roads better and higher, fit for all events, drought and flood - here we're seeing everything breaking up and its very dangerous getting around at the moment."